Rice Straw - A New Method to Get Through a Drought
Veterans Memorial Hall
525 West Sycamore Street
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
9am - noon
UC Cooperative Extension research has found that baling rice straw right behind the harvester greatly increases cattle's ability to utilize it. Making rice strawlage involves baling the straw the same day as the rice is harvested at 50 to 60% moisture and then placing it under a tarp cover.
With the present drought conditions, a meeting will be held to discuss how to make rice strawlage. It will cover the nutritional advantages of strawlage over straw, the challenges of baling at 50 to 60 percent moisture, additives that can be provided, how to stack and tarp it, nutrients removed from field with the process, and the cost associated with the process. Most important will be the discussion with two ranchers that fed rice strawlage last year.
Because of the high moisture associated with this product and transportation costs, it is assumed that the most prudent use will be by ranches adjacent to rice production areas. With limited water for rice straw decomposition this fall, this could also provide rice operations an alternative method of the straw management. The goal of the meeting is to give producers information that will allow them to implement rice strawlage during this fall's harvest. Both cattle and rice producers are encouraged to attend the meeting.
For more information contact Glenn Nader at 822-7515 or ganader@ucanr.edu