New Online Resources for Ranchers

Feb 15, 2018

New Online Resources for Ranchers

Feb 15, 2018

Several new online resources from the University of California can help ranchers learn about a wide array of resource and ranch management issues!

There's an app for that!

N app screen shot
Due to the requirements of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board's Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP), ranchers with irrigated pasture must complete a Nitrogen Management Plan Worksheet. Even if you don't operate in a High Vulnerability Groundwater Quality Area, these worksheets need to be completed and maintained in your files. Thanks to UC Rangelands, we now have a web-based app that will help quantify the amount of nitrogen applied to the pasture, as well as the amount of nitrogen removed through grazing or cutting hay. Go to to use the app.


Livestock Protection Tools

A new publication from UCANR helps ranchers evaluate a variety of tools for protecting livestock from predators. Livestock Protection Tools for California Ranchers provides a summary of current research, as well as on-the-ground experience from ranchers throughout the West regarding livestock guardian animals, electric fencing, and other nonlethal tools.


UC Rangelands Information Hubs

The UC Rangelands website has a variety of outstanding information hubs for ranchers and land managers. These webpages include California-focused research and information on:

  • Livestock-Predator Interactions
  • Rangeland Water Quality
  • Irrigated Pasture
  • Rangeland Drought
  • Public Lands
  • Rangeland Decision-Making
2016-06-28 10.36.04

By Dan Macon
Author - County Director, Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor