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Master Food Preservers


UC Food Blog
  • A spinach field under linear move sprinkler irrigation in the low desert of Imperial County. Photo by Ali Montazar
    Workshop highlights advances in desert irrigation, tech on Feb. 27

    The latest in irrigation research and technology will be showcased at the Advances in Irrigation Tools and Technologies Workshop in Holtville on Feb. 27. “This workshop brings together University of California scientists, irrigation and water...

  • Black Oak acorns are an important source of nutrition for California Tribes
    The Principles of Indigenous Food Sovereignty

    Indigenous Food Sovereignty: Opportunities and Importance in Extension work In 2007, the first global Forum on Food Sovereignty defined the concept as “the right of peoples to healthy, culturally appropriate food produced through...

  • Cattle rounded up to evacuate from wildfire. Tracy Schohr will discuss ranching through wildfire. Photo by Tracy Schohr
    Climate, wildfire, wolves topics of Feb. 18 rangeland discussions in Davis

    Rustici Rangeland Science Symposium to address California's changing landscapes Ranchers, land managers, conservationists, policymakers and scientists will gather to discuss the evolving challenges and opportunities in managing the state's rangelands...



Don't miss our upcoming events!
UC Cooperative Extension Sutter-Yuba Counties
142A Garden Hwy, Yuba City, CA 95991
(530) 822-7515
Need help preserving your harvest?
Ask a UC Master Food Preserver!
Office Hours
Fridays - 11:00am - 2:00pm 


Online Intake Form
