What’s New at the Master Gardener Demonstration Garden?

May 18, 2018

By Brent McGhie, UC Master Gardener of Butte County, May 18, 2018. 

The Butte County Master Gardener program began in 2008, and in 2013 the organization formed a partnership with the Patrick Ranch Museum.  As a result of this partnership, the Patrick Ranch Museum dedicated about an acre of land for the Master Gardeners to develop a series of gardens that demonstrate sustainable gardening practices and highlight climate appropriate plants for the home gardener.

Most of California, including Butte County, is in a Mediterranean climate zone.  From a global viewpoint, Mediterranean zones are relatively uncommon.  In addition to California, Mediterranean climates exist only in limited areas in Chile, Australia and South Africa and around the Mediterranean Basin.  These areas have a climate that is characterized by hot, dry summers and cool moist winters.  It is our hope that by showcasing California natives and other plants that are adapted to this climate, we will inspire local gardeners to incorporate them into their landscaping plans.  Master Gardener Kay Perkins has headed the Demonstration Garden project from its inception.  She says “… a drought tolerant garden does not need to be rock and bark chip and cacti; you can have a beautiful garden that will attract wildlife as long as you choose native and Mediterranean plants that are adapted to our hot summers.”  Click here for a list of Climate Appropriate Plants.

By 2016 the Master Gardeners had designed and planted a Mediterranean Garden; two Native Plant Gardens; a Backyard Fruit Orchard; an Espalier Fruit Tree Garden; and a Butte All Star Garden comprised of hardy, low water favorites of local gardeners and nursery personnel.   Since then these gardens have filled in dramatically and are especially colorful and verdant at this time of year. 

In 2017, Master Gardeners installed an herb garden within the Backyard Fruit Orchard and in the early spring of this year we planted a Summer Dry Garden.  The Summer Dry Garden consists of plants that, once established, should be able to survive with just the water provided by winter rain.  This garden should be a great resource for those who want to keep water usage at a minimum!  Our most recent addition, just completed on May 9th of this year, is the Berm Garden.  To create this garden, we built a retaining wall with repurposed material and backfilled it with topsoil.  The resulting artificial embankment illustrates an effective alternative method of landscaping when you are faced with poor soils.

The Master Gardeners are also pleased with the progress of our garden infrastructure.  In addition to installing all of the irrigation lines for the various gardens, by 2016 the BCMGs had established a primary pathway through the gardens.  It consists of packed gravel topped with fine crusher dust, which provides a firm, smooth, yet permeable walkway for garden visitors.  A construction class at Butte College built a small office/tool shed for us on the garden grounds.  Last fall, we constructed a shade structure behind the office building and this area now serves as an outdoor classroom for many of the educational workshops offered by the Master Gardeners.  This spring we extended the gravel paths around all of our existing gardens and also built two large arbors over the entrances to the Demonstration Garden.

The Demonstration Garden is a work in progress.  Plans for this fall include creating an Edible Landscape Garden featuring raised beds and a garden plot showcasing drought tolerant grasses that can be used as lawn alternatives.  An Australian Garden featuring plants from “down under” is planned for the fall as well.  A Children's Garden, where we will host educational activities and special events for youth is still on the drawing board, as is our Living With Oaks Garden.  Oak trees are most compatible with shade tolerant, summer dry plants and we want to encourage gardeners who are lucky enough to have oaks to grow appropriate plants beneath them.  Finally, in the not-too-distant future, a Honeybee Discovery Center is also planned for Patrick Ranch.  This unique museum will be built adjacent to the Demonstration Garden, and the Master Gardeners plan to create a Pollinator Garden for this facility. 

Master Gardeners are a volunteer organization, so all costs associated with plants, materials and labor that go into creating the Demonstration Garden are dependent on donations from individuals and local businesses, fundraisers, and countless volunteer hours.  However, it's a labor of love and we encourage you to visit the gardens for landscaping ideas, or simply to enjoy the pleasant, tranquil garden environment we are establishing.  The gardens are accessible for viewing whenever the Patrick Ranch Museum, 10381 Midway (between Durham and Chico), is open.  Although Master Gardeners do not have regularly scheduled hours at the Demonstration Garden, they are often there planting and maintaining the grounds and are always happy to answer any questions you might have.  Many of our educational workshops also take place at Patrick Ranch and workshop attendees often tour the gardens while they are there.  For more information, please visit our website at:  ucanr.edu/sites/bcmg.  Garden questions can be directed to the Master Gardener Hotline at 530-538-7201. 

If you would like to support the Demonstration Garden and other Butte County Master Gardener educational projects, you can make a tax deductible donation here.