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Adult Nutrition Education Materials

These are some of the most commonly used Adult Nutrition Education Curricula in the UC CalFresh Nutrition Education Program.

Fresh From The Garden


Fresh from the Garden, targets home gardeners and their families with limited resources living in Los Angeles County. Classes, available in English and Spanish, are free and can be presented as a "single" or in a "seasonal" series. The presentations or lessons are designed to increase gardeners' knowledge of healthful eating habits, while emphasizing the health benefits associated with a vegetable-rich diet. 

Eat Smart Be Active

Eating Smart Being Active is an Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) curriculum for adults developed by EFNEP staffs at Colorado State University and University of California at Davis. Based upon the socioecological model, Eating Smart Being Active is an evidence based, nutrition education and obesity prevention curriculum.

MyPlate for My Family

MyPlate for My Family is a MyPlate resource that supports SNAP-Ed nutrition education and obesity prevention efforts, and is based on recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. It is targeted to parents and caregivers who are SNAP participants or eligible for SNAP, and play a key role in planning, purchasing, and preparing food for their families.