Pendimethalin Use in California Rice: Clarifications and Updates

At our last meeting, we had some questions about the approved uses of pendimethalin in California rice. There are several products labeled for use on rice with pendimethalin as the active ingredient. As of June 2024, pendimethalin registered products (on rice) include Prowl H2O, Prowl 3.3, Harbinger, Satellite Hydrocap, Stealth, Helena Pendimethalin, Pavilion H2O, Pavilion 3.3, and a few others. Please make sure to always check the product label, as not all pendimethalin products allow use for the below-listed timings. Furthermore, labels are updated regularly, so it should not be assumed that the same use pattern applies from season to season. For the most currently-registered products, refer to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation website, product label databases, as well as manufacturers' websites for reference. Please remember the container label is the deciding point for pesticide use enforcement.

The mode of action of pendimethalin is disruption of mitosis (WSSA Resistance Group 3). In California rice, there is no other herbicide registered with this mode of action. The herbicide binds to clay soils, with residual activity of between 1 to 4 months, depending on environmental conditions. Pendimethalin can be readily absorbed by young roots, and thus, weeds are controlled as they germinate. Damage can also occur to rice or other crops as they germinate. Weeds are not controlled by this product once emerged and established.

Labeled controlled weeds are: junglerice, barnyardgrass, and sprangletop. Barnyardgrass and sprangletop are the two most abundant grass weeds in dry- or drill-seeded California rice, also causing the most yield loss. Rotating with pendimethalin can help to manage herbicide-resistance biotypes, as well as preventing the selection of herbicide resistance in these species.

Pendimethalin Rice Timings (product-dependent):

Preflood, preemergence: In drill- or dry-seeded rice, pendimethalin can be applied to the soil surface AFTER rice has been dry-seeded and lightly incorporated or drill-seeded. The product should be tank-mixed with a safener adjuvant. Water should be flushed across the field AFTER herbicide application (within 7 days).

Delayed preemergence: NOT a currently labeled use for any pendimethalin product registered in California.

Early postemergence: Only for dry-seeded rice and into fields with no standing water. Pendimethalin is usually applied with a tank-mix partner. Timing should be based on the leaf stage of the rice or weeds as appropriate for the tank-mix partner. Field should be flooded or flushed within 7 days after application.

Postemergence: For water-seeded rice (California ONLY) between the 4-6 leaf stage. Field must be completely drained with no standing water at time of the pendimethalin application and should be reflooded within 7 days after application.






By Luis Espino
By Roberta Firoved
By Taiyu Guan
Editor - Assistant Specialist
By Consuelo B Baez Vega
Editor - Rice Junior Specialist