Jan 15, 2014 | View All Issues
New Business:
- Enrollment Fees were discussed
Special Presentation:
- Rita Boyes, 4-H Rep, gave a presentation to explain about the Futures Task Force and the work that has been done
- A vote about the implementation will take place at the March 2014 Council Meeting
- Volunteer Middle Management has been added to the 4-H webpage
Upcoming Events:
- County Presentation Day - February 22nd ~ 9:00 am
- Fashion Revue Committee Meeting - February 11 ~ 6:00 pm
- Bok Kai Parade - March 16th in Marysville
- Sectional Presentation - March 29th ~ 9:00 am
- Hi 4-H Annual Crab/Chicken Feed - March 1st ~ 5:00 pm
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